Wednesday 6 June 2018


Concussion means transient loss of consciousness due to head injury.
Concussion is also known as Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI). 
It may be described as alteration of consciousness without structural damage as a result of head trauma. 
It is transient loss of consciousness or alteration in mental status like alteration in conscious level,  disturbance of vision or balance due to head injury.
Trauma to the head may cause sudden linear or rotational movement of the brain.  This sudden acceleration and deacceleration  movements of the brain and brain stem disrupts the normal cellular activities in the brain ( including fornix, corpus callosum, temporal lobe, frontal lobe) and in the the reticular activating system of the midbrain.  

Although, concussion is considered as mild head injury but sometimes it has sequelae. Headache, confusion, amnesia, blurring of vision, dizziness, fatigue  may persist for some time.  More alarming long term sequelae are the cognitive impairment, sleeplessness, difficulty in concentration,  irritability, anger, behavioural abnormalities, or maladjustment in the work or studies.
Plain CT scan of brain is the investigation of choice. It is normal in cases of concussion because it is a physiological impairment and so, no anatomical abnormality is seen on non-contrast CT scan of the brain. MRI of the brain is not required and  is unnecessary. MRI will demonstrate abnormalities in up to 25% of cases where CT is normal. But, I do not suggest MRI in cases of concussion because CT actually guides the treatment. So, if CT is normal there is nothing serious and no active neurosurgical treatment is required. MRI just adds to the apprehension of the patients and their relatives and it does not provide any additional information of any use to the neurosurgeon.

Symptoms usually resolve in approximately two weeks. But, symptoms may persist for longer period.
Every person with post traumatic concussion requires emotional support. 
Patient’s caregivers, family members, teachers and co-workers and colleagues must understand that some symptoms like irritability, headache, dizziness may be sequelae of concussion.  So,  a sympathetic and considerate attitude should be adopted towards the person who had suffered mild head injury with concussion and is experiencing long term sequelae of mild head injury. 
Symptomatic treatment of like dizziness may be trated with Betahistine or Cinnarazine. Headache is a common complaint and requires both medical and psychological support.
Neurotrophic vitamins like vitamin B complex, Methylcobalamin,  vitamin E are useful.  Anxiety, sleeplessness are very well managed with tablet Clonazepam 0.25 mg at night and Psychological support.

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