Monday 1 January 2018

Spina Bifida, Spinal Dysraphism, Myelomeningocele and Meningocele

Spinal dysraphism means a spectrum of congenital anomalies of the spine and spinal cord.

Spina bifida is a common form of spinal dysraphism. The term spina bifida includes a wide variety of anomalies.
Congenital defect in the spine leads to spina bifida. This can be of two types: spina bifida occulta and spina bifida aperta.

In spina bifida aperta; visible lesion, like a swelling over the midline of the back may be noticed at the time of birth of a child. Such spinal dysraphism is known as Spinal Bifida Aperta.

But, a child may be having some abnormalty of the spine or spinal cord but without any externally visible lesion and overlying skin is intact, then it is known as Spina Bifida Occulta.  This defect of the vertebrae of the spine of a child may not be visible at the time of birth and there may be no visible exposure of meninges or neural tissue. And, there may be congenital defect only in the lamina of the vertebrae of the spine without any involvement of underlying spinal cord. This is known as spine bifida occulta.

But, in spina bifida aperta there is a visible or open defect in the spine. There may be congenital defect in vertebral arches with cystic distension of meninges which is filled with CSF and is known as Meningocele. If, in this congenital defect of the vertebral arches there is a cystic dilatation of meninges and cerebrospinal fluid along with neural tissue or spinal cord ( Myelon) , then it is known as Myelomeningocele. If Myelomengocele contains fat tissue, then it is known as Lipomyelomengocele.

Myelmeningocele is one of the congenital open neral tube defect present at the birth on the back of the newborn.

It is a common type of congental defect of the spine and its incidence is about 1 in 1,000 live births. Better nutrition and folic acid suplementatiion during the antenatal care of the mother decrease its occurrence.

Ultrasound study during the early antenatal care detects any occurrence of myelomeningocele in a fetus during pregnancy.

A newborn child should be assessed for any sensory or motor deficit due to meningocele or myelomeningocele. There may be associated congenital lesions, like cardiac lesions. Myelomeningocele may be associated with congenital hydrocephalus. So, MRI of the spinal cord and brain is investigation for choice for assessing a case of meningcele. MRI may show whether a swelling on the back of a child is only flled with CSF or does it contain any neural tissue. It detects any intraspinal extension, associated intrasinal dermoid, lipoma, dermal sinus, spina bifida, spinal dysrahism like duplication of the cord, any bony spur between the duplicated cord, Chiari malfomation, syrinx, hydrocephalus, thickened filum terminale, etc. So, MRI helps in diagnosis, surgical planning and predicting prognostic outcome.


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